The hardest trial and biggest blessing in my life has been my parent's divorce. I remember finding out that my parents were splitting up. I was seventeen. Life was bound to come crashing down, and it did. My heart was heavy with aching as we had to leave the home I grew up in. Worst fears are a real thing and mine came true.
Although there were a lot of tears and sadness, my testimony grew stronger each day in that couple of years. I can remember one night where I felt especially burdened with heartache. I needed to know and feel that Heavenly Father is the father of my spirit, that he loves me and knew exactly how I was feeling. That night, as I began to pray, I couldn't. I was so burdened, but immediately after I addressed my Father, I knew He loved me very much, that He would always be there to comfort me, that He is the Father of my spirit.
Many people wonder how I got through this trial and made it through coming out better than I was. The desires of my heart are turned toward the Lord, and my Heavenly Father. I love my Savior, and I know that He is my redeemer, that His atoning sacrifice was not only for my sins, but for my heartache and grief. I know surely that I have a Heavenly Father. Before I came to this earth, I lived with Him and He taught me and I felt His love.
Though my past trial still burdens me once in a while, my heart is full of gratitude for the goodness of God, and the goodness of people. I am so grateful for the blessings in my life, some of the greatest being my family and my ward.
My heart is so full! I love the Gospel, and I know that Heavenly Father knows the desires of my heart. As I read the stories of my great-grandparents, I am inspired by their faith through trials and tribulation. Someday I hope my children will find peace and strength through mine as well.
The greatest joys in my life come from keeping my covenants and seeking for exaltation. I know Heavenly Father loves all of His children. When we keep our covenants, we can see others as Heavenly Father sees them and have a greater capacity to love and comfort others that are in the midst of trial.
Happy Monday!
1 comment:
Thanks so much for sharing! i love your sweet sweet testimony and this was definitely something I needed right now. Sure love ya!!
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