Friday, August 29, 2014

best teacher ever

I love people, but sometimes I need a break to be alone in a quiet place. I decided to go to the temple this morning and it was exactly what I needed. With school starting again, my stress level has been pretty high. My education classes are a bit overwhelming, but I am really enjoying them so far.

One of my five courses is Exceptional Students, a class that teaches how to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities. The professor began by writing backwards in perfect cursive, "My name is Kristin Wright and I have struggled with dyslexia my whole life." It was a powerful class time as she described her experience in school and later finding out she was dyslexic. Then she read Thank You Mr. Falker and I got a little emotional. Right in the middle of the book, I had the chills and knew, KNEW that I am doing the exact right thing. I want to be the best teacher ever!

Though this week was hard, it was also rewarding. I am so grateful for my family, my home teacher, friends and my coworkers. This week could have been completely awful, but Heavenly Father has blessed me with so many lovely, wonderful people in my life. 

Happy happy blessed three-day-weekend!

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